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Format of Legal Notice for implementation of court's order |
R/O _____________
Respected Sir,
I am directed by my client ___________to serve
you the legal notice upon the following terms and conditions:-
That a suit tilted as “Ch. Zameer
Ajmal versus Ch. Muhammad Ahsan etc (Suit for separate possession thorugh
partition) has been decreed by the Honourable Court of Muhammad Arif Khan
Niazi, Civil Judge 1st Class Rawalpindi on 08-09-2021.
That according to the decree passed in light of
family settlement, you all jointly liable
to pay my client his share a sum of Rs. 20,000,000/-
(Rupees Two Crore) but since passing of the
decree, you have not paid the above said amount to my client.
Through this legal notice, you are hereby directed to pay Rs.
20,000,000/- (Rupees Two Crore) to my client within 03 days after receipt of
this legal notice failing which my client shall be at liberty to initiate legal
proceedings against you at your own risk and costs.
Note: A copy of this legal notice is retained in my office
for further necessary legal action and proceedings.