Sample of Naqsha Alif- Naqsha Bay - Naqsha Jeem |
In the name of ALLAH, the most beneficent, the most
Sample of Naqsha Alif, Naqsha Bay, Naqsha
Naqsha Alif (نقشہ الف) , Naqsha Bay
(نقشہ ب) , Naqsha Jeem (نقشہ ج) are prepared
for the purpose of partition of agricultural land. If you are along with other
persons are co owners in a joint land having same Khewat Number, and now you want
to get your portion of land separated from other co owners, you may file an
application to Revenue Officer usually Tehsildar for partition of land. Before
partition of land, you can approach to Patwari concerned for preparation of
Naqsha Alif and Naqsha Bay.
During the proceedings on application for partition, Naqsha Jeem can be
prepared for partition of land and
if no objection is raised on such Naqsha Jeem from either of the parties, the
Naqsha Jeem is accepted by Revenue Officer and subsequently, mutations are entered
in favour of the concerned. The formats/samples of Naqsha Alif, Naqsha Bay,
Naqsha Jeem are as under:
of Naqsha Alif (نقشہ الف )
Sample of Naqsha Alif (نقشہ الف )
of Naqsha Bay (نقشہ ب)
Sample of Naqsha Bay (نقشہ ب)
of Naqsha Jeem (نقشہ ج )